Summer 2024 -

It's my personal website. will be the home of everything I'll write, build, draw, cook, or photograph in the foreseeable future. I'll be keeping a technical blog to discuss some of the projects I've been working on lately, and a food page to post some of what I've been cooking lately. It's a portfolio, a diary, and a scrapbook. Check back every once in a while; I'll be making regular updates. I've had a blast designing it, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

This website is built from the ground up. No libraries, no frameworks. It's hosted with GitHub pages and I'm hand-writing everything into it, from the blog posts to this description you're reading. I didn't have any experience in web development before starting, so this is my way of exploring the HTML/CSS/JS landscape without much pressure. If you notice any mistakes, let me know! I'd love to improve the site, and the best way to get guidance is from user feedback. You can find the source code at the GitHub link above, or right in your browser. It's all there.