
Summer 2024 - Ongoing

Flexicon is a webapp designed for beginner and advanced language learners alike to automatically generate flashcard sets based on networks of words that often appear together. You can tailor to your needs for word rarity and subject matter, then practice on the site or download an Anki deck for later.

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Summer 2024

Dictionfairy is a desktop app that you can customize with your dictionary of choice. It'll sit above other windows you have so you can look up words with just a hotkey and a click. It's designed with foreign languages in mind. Preloaded with dwds.de, Leo, WordReference, Merriam-Webster, and more.

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Summer 2024 - Ongoing

Behold. I'm starting from zero. That means practically no experience with HTML, CSS, or JavaScript - just a GitHub Pages repository and a dream. I'll be updating this regularly once it gets off the ground too.

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2048 Simulator

Spring 2023

It's exactly what it sounds like. This project was designed to imitate test-case writing by trying out different strategies for the 2048 game. It's rather versatile and gathers statistics from large-scale automated simulations. You could even write your own strategies, if you'd like.

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My Liked, Live

Fall 2022

A little app that logs into your Spotify, gathers your recent artists, and checks for local concerts. Yes, I beat Spotify to this. No, I never got a check.

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