My Liked, Live
Fall 2022 -
MyLikedLive is a tool that facilitates a Spotify login, then gathers your most recent artists and searches for their concerts. It was my first full-scale project, and a fun one to look back on. But I feel like I should clarify: at this point in time, Spotify only offered concert listings for one artist at a time on their artist page. I did beat them to this idea (I'm sure the feature was in development), and I did use it to find a Mild High Club concert once (it was great). If you want to see what I was doing when I was a complete amateur, check out the GitHub link above.
I built MyLikedLive in Python with a rudimentary PyQt6 app and the TicketMaster API. It's simple, and that's ok - it was my first experience with APIs and a great introduction to reading docs and designing products. It's the project that started all the other projects, and the research skills that I learned from it have carried into every other program I've produced.